Decontamination Solution
You can’t avoid germs but you can protect yourself
We have developed a decontamination product safe to use on mucous membranes, cuts, abrasions, burns, and body surfaces to clean and treat immediately after unexpected exposure to infection risk and before receiving professional medical attention.
A new safe and alcohol free, non-toxic disruptive biotechnology solution that effectively protects against a wide range of pathogens. based upon patented Microcyn® Technology that has received numerous F.D.A. and CE-Approvals.
Safe to use on mucous membranes, cuts, abrasions, burns and body surfaces to clean and treat immediately after unexpected exposure to infection risk and before receiving professional medical attention.
Ready for use without mixing or dilution required. Prior to cleaning the area or use of the product, please carry out appropriate handwashing. Apply as often as necessary.
Stability of the unopened product is assured from date of manufacture until expiration (see product´s label for expiration date). Upon opening the stability is assured up to 60 days after opening. Upon opening note the date on the bottle in the section “Date Opened”.
- Electrolyzed Water (H2O)
- Sodium Chloride (NaCI)
ancillary substances:
- Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCI)
- Hypochlorous Acid (HOCI).